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Character Material Editor

Cyberomance Character Editor Menu

Press F4 to open the Editor Menu.

  • Left panel is the Browser window. Here you can access the assets in the Cyberomance.

  • Right panel is the Editor window. Here you can edit the Assets parameters such as materials, physics, morphs, textures...

Editor Panel : It contains four main categories. From these categories, you can edit, save, delete...assets that are already on the map. The first is the Character Editor. Under this button you will find the character material editors and a node editor panel.

Material  Basic

Material : A Material is an asset that can be applied to a character to control the visual look of the scene.

Material Instances : Material Instancing is a way a wide variety of different-looking child Materials

  • Material Colour : Under this button you will find the colour wheel a material parameters and character material instances

  • Material Values : Under this button you will find the Material Values. Here you can edit the scalar values of the materials

  • Material Textures : Under this button you will find the Material Textures. Here you can edit, change or add textures.

  • Node Control : Under this button you will find the node and spline control panel. Much of this feature is still under development



Character Editor - Material Colour

Material Colour : Here you can set the colors of the selected character material.

Middle Panel contains the following modules :

  • Colour Wheel : on this you can set the colour of the selected material instance. Not only can you set values with the wheel, but you can also enter an RGB color code. In addition, you can also set Hue and Saturation. You can also save these colors in the bar above the wheel just drag and drop it.

  • Material Parameters : These can be set to the following four parameters : Diffuse Color, Glossy Specular, Translucency Color and Transmitted Color.

  • Refresh : sometimes the UI doesn't update the panel properly or shows no values at all, just click the Refresh button.

Left Buttons contains the Character material instances. Here you can select which part of the character you want to edit. This is the hierarchy :

  • Skin : it sets the character’s skin surface all over his/her body

  • Face : it includes the neck and the parts above it :

- Face

- Lips

- Teeth

- Head

- Ears

- Eye Socket

- Mouth

  • Torso : the middle parts of the character.

- Torso

  • Arms : contains the full arm and the finger nails.

- Arms

- Fingernails

  • Legs : contains the full leg and the toe nails.

- Legs

- Toenails

  • Eyes : contains the eye parts

- Pupils

- Eye Moisture

- Cornea

- Irises

- Sclera

  • Genitalia : contains the genitalia parts

- Gen1 : Front

- Gen2 : Back

- Gen3 : Vagina Inside

- Gen4 : Vagina Outside

- Gen5 : Anus Inside

- Gen6

- Gen7


Top Buttons contains the special material versions.

  • Diffuse : this is the basic version of the character's colors

  • Decal : Decal is very similar to diffuse. Decal for example a tatoo

  • Emissive : It practically generates light on the material.

Character Editor - Material Values

Material Values : Here you can set the values of the selected character materials.

Material Values

Glossy Roughness : The property controls the roughness of the surface. The higher the value, the less shine the surface will have.

Metallic Weight : This value generates a metallic light reflection.

Normal Map : A normal map is an image that stores a direction at each pixel. These directions are called normals. The red, green, and blue channels of the image are used to control the direction of each pixel's normal. With this we reach depth on the material.

Opacity Strength : Strength of visibility. This allows you to turn off material visibility

Roughness Multiplyer : Multiplies the Roughness Offset value

Roughness Offset : The Roughness input controls how rough or smooth a Material's surface is. Rough Materials scatter reflected light in more directions than smooth Materials, which controls how blurry or sharp a reflection is (or how broad or tight a specular highlight is). A Roughness of 0 (smooth) results in a mirror reflection and roughness of 1 (rough) results in a diffuse (or matte) surface.

Specular Offset : When you're editing a non-metallic surface material, there are times when you'll want to adjust its ability to reflect light, specifically, its Specular property.

Transparency Offset : Transparency is used to describe if a surface is see-through or not



Character Editor - Material Textures


Textures :....are images/pictures that are used in Materials. They are mapped to the surfaces the Material is applied to. We can add textures from the browser panel or directly from windows to the Cyberomance.

Material Textures : Here you can add new or remove textures of the selected characters.

Diffuse :  It contains the necessary elements for each basic character material. This is the main texture of the character.

Normal : A normal map is an image that stores a direction at each pixel. With this we reach depth on the material.

Metallic Weight : This texture generates a metallic light reflection.

Cut Out Opacity : It is a mask that uses black and white color. What is white on the texture, it seems what is black disappears.

Subsurface Alpha : Subsurface scattering is the term used to describe the lighting phenomenon where light scatters as it passes through a translucent / semi translucent surface.

Translucency : Surface materials receive image based reflections from the reflection captures placed in the environment.


Character Editor - Node control editor

It is in development state. Tutorials soon

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