Mod - Daz Genesis 8.1
How to import your Daz character to the Cyberomance game
What is the Daz Genesis 8 ?
The Daz Genesis characters are the core Mesh character used by Daz on which the entire Daz shop is based. Cyberomance use the latest Genesis 8.1 in the game.
Note : The Genesis 8 characters are compatible with the Genesis 8.1 characters. There are Daz plugins that can convert Daz Genesis 3, Genesis 2 and Genesis characters to Genesis 8, so you can import any character that has ever been made for Daz.
Daz to Unreal
Before you get started. Everything in the Cyberomance will work with the imported characters if you followed our tutorials before. The hairs and clothes you bring in will work even now if you follow the tutorials properly.
Before you start, make sure that in your Modkit project the RTX is turned on and the RHI is set to 12.: Tutorial
Open our Modkit Project and your Daz Studio.
Add a Genesis 8.1 character to the scene in the Daz Studio. You can find 8.1 characters under the Genesis 8 Starter Essential pack under the Figures menu.
Select your character and delete Eyelashes and Tear. Than go to the Anatomy on the left side and Attach a Golden Palace v2 Female Genitalia.
Important ! Genitalia script and tutorials can be found here : Genitalia Script
Important ! Always delete everything from the character except the added genitalia, otherwise the material allocation will be different and the material editor will not work properly in the Cyberomance user interface.
Open the Parameters tab and select your Genesis 8.1 Female character in it.
Select the character morphs you want to use then apply them with the sliders.
When you are done, Open File / Send To / Daz To Unrel
You should get this window.
Asset Name : The name of what you import into Modkit Project.
It is important to always rename your characters, otherwise you may overwrite any characters you have previously imported.
Asset Type : There are 4 types to choose from.
Skeletal Mesh : Mostly character models, but that includes everything you don’t want to use statically.
Static Mesh : static model, not bendable or deformable, not containing morphs. An example is a sword, table...
Animation : Daz character poses and animations.
Environment : If you want to send full maps
Select Skeletal Mesh.
Enable Morphs : you export morphs with the character or not.
Important : always check the box if you want to transfer morphs !
Choose Morphs : here you can select which morphs you want to Export with the character.
Morph Groups : The left window shows the morphs of the selected character or any selected skeletal mesh which contains morph.
Morphs in Group : If you select a category from the Morph Group from the left, then you can see which morphs it contains. The filter / search bar is also here.
Morphs to Export : The selected morphs are placed here. Only these will go through with the character
Select the Genesis 8.1 on the left side. Now all the morphs on it is in the middle panel. Use the filter / search bar to narrow the list. Select what you want to import, then click the Add For Export button at the bottom middle, then the added morphs appear in the right column.
Suggest add : Breast, heels, expressions morphs...
When you're done, press Accept button at the bottom right.
Don't forget to check the Enable Morphs box.
Press Accept button at the bottom right. It will then start exporting your Genesis 8.1 Character from Daz, and when it is done, the Unreal modkit project will start importing it.
Important : keep in mind that, the Modkit project must also run with the Daz Studio.
Run only one Unreal project at a time.
Unreal to Cyberomance
Once the characters arrives in the Modkit project, you should see this Message Log panel. Close it.
Press the Save All button in the lower left corner.
Important : the first step after importing should always be Save All.
Note : In the Unreal Projects if you see a small star in the index images it has changed and it's good to press save
You can delete your Imported Character _Anim (Green) and _PhysicsAsset (Yellow), you don't need it.
Note : In the Unreal projects the purple is the skeletal mesh and blue is the static mesh.
Click the View Option button in the lower right corner and thick the Show Plugin Content. Only then will you see the modkit folders in the Content Browser hierarchy.
Now create the DLCSystem Content folder hierarchy. You can do a folder just like in windows. Right Click - New Folder.
For the Characters if Humans then use the following folder structure :
DLCSystem Content / Props / Human / Female
Important ! the Cyberomance User Interface will only find DLC if you specify the exact path. Not all DLC hierarchies work the same way in the game, so pack everything in the right place.
Note : You can always use the Content Hierarchy Examples packaged near at the Modkit project as a reference.
Now move your character folder to the DLCSystem Content hierarchy.
Important : always use move, not a copy if you move something, because the copy will also refer to the original items.
Below the Female folder must be your Character folder. Now duplicate the skeletal mesh ( Character ). Right click on it and select Duplicate.
Rename. Right click on it and select Rename or select it and press F2. Add the following prefixes to the characters :
For example :
CR_ALS_TestDummy and CR_RIG_TestDummy
Now you have to replace the Skeleton of both Skeletal Mesh with our Custom Skeleton. These are included in the Modkit project.
Right click on the Skeletal Mesh and select Skeleton/Assign Skeleton
Select : Genesis8FemaleSkeleton
There are three of them, choose the one whose path is a :
Path: /DazToUnreal
Now you are done.
Tips : You can add Folder Icon. Import a picture next to it and use Tex_ prefix. The image name must match the folder name.
Example : Tex_TestDummy
Note : Folder icons are not currently active in new parts of the user interface, but as soon as these features work, the icons will work if you have already packaged them this way.
Package the character. In the upper left corner, open the Windows and select the Project Launcher
Note : for this you needed the profiles that we packed with the modkit and hopefully you already copied them into Unreal Engine
Select the DLC - Launch this Profile
When it is done you will find the packaged .pak file here :
Note : the first package may take a long time, or if you got an error, you must run a NormalBuild first and then a DLC build.
You can rename your DLC file if you want. Move your DLC.pak file to your game Pak folder.
...then you can start the game.
Start any map. Press F4 for the Editor menu. On the left panel select the Props/Human/Female. Here you will find the folder of your characters. Open it.
click on the CR_ALS_Character Name to spawn it on the map.
Note : If Morph panels does not show morphs, press a refresh button on the bottom. Remember to have your character selected.
Suggest : Use our Python script on your Custom characters. Tutorials can be found here : Python Script
Note : With the exception of Our clothes and Our groom hair, everything else works well with the custom characters, but over time these features will be able to work with custom characters as well. However, custom characters already work with the Daz clothes and Daz hair you import if these also contain the character morphs. See the wardrobe tutorials for more information.
If your character is not very different from the 8.1 base character, you can also use the existing clothes or try to use the scale slider in the clothes.
If you did everything right, everything works with the characters you import as well. Here are some example images with custom character
You are done here. You can now return to the Modding page to follow the tutorials.